How to learn to love your small chest?
Reclaiming your body
It is important to remember that our chest , no matter its size, does not define us. Above all, our body allows us to breathe, think and enjoy life. We must therefore, first of all, learn to be more tolerant of ourselves and not focus only on what we don't like.
The chest is part of our femininity , which makes us all the more demanding of it. It is essential to learn to reclaim it in order to move towards accepting and loving your body. And to reclaim this sensitive area, there is nothing better than touching it and looking at it in the mirror. With simple well-being gestures and by repeating to ourselves that we love our little chest , we reconnect with it. It is then easier to assume it and be comfortable when we tame it ourselves without letting the opinions of others come into play.
Freeing yourself from the gaze of others
"You don't have any boobs": how many of us have heard this phrase hundreds of times since our teenage years? And unfortunately, the way others see our bodies has a significant impact on our self- confidence . Detaching yourself from external comments is important to learning to love your small chest .
First of all, we all have breasts no matter what size, so if we hear this famous phrase again, let's remember that yes, we do have breasts . Let's not put ourselves down by listening to these unjustified criticisms that often come from people who are not concerned and who have no opinion on our own body. Moreover, our small breasts do not take away from our femininity and the way we should perceive ourselves.
Regaining confidence with lingerie
When we have worn bras our whole life or tried on bras that are too big, it is harder to love our small chest. As if having a small cup size prevented us from accessing sexy and feminine lingerie . So to start accepting ourselves, wearing bras in our size that really show off our chest is an essential step. There is no point in lying about our body by wearing push-up and padded bras because it is even harder to accept it later, when we find ourselves naked.
In conclusion, what is sexy is having confidence in ourselves and accepting ourselves!
We hope that these tips have helped you on this path of acceptance. You will find our different models of lingerie and swimsuits on the Double A Paris website. You can also find our article on bras that enhance small breasts. Also, feel free to share your own advice with us on Instagram .